Tag Archives: Thor

(4) It’s Thors-day, Thors-day gotta get down on Thors-day

Partyin' Partyin' YEAH

…Everybody lookin’ forward to bein’ weakened, weakened. Because, ya know, Thor is a GOD and he loses his powers.

And, actually…it’s Tuesday. Practically Wednesday. But here’s the thing: you should see Thor. And, it’s probably almost outta theaters…but I just don’t care.  Because you should see it.

If you’re like me, you’re thinking, “uhhhh it’s called Thor. THOR. eff that shit. why would I watch this weird movie about demon vikings?” Yeah, I thought it was about a demonic viking, judging solely from its posters. Whoops. My B. It’s actually a pretty freaking entertaining Marvel flick. And, it’s a precursor to 2012’s THE AVENGERS. (nope, no relation to the Rescuers Down Under, like I thought. Omg, I have my moments sometimes. sue me.) Oh and Joss Whedon is directing that (squeeeee, syd.)

Thor stars Chris Hemsworth (brother of Last Song hottie Liam Hemsworth– a main mention in the Miley Cyrus salvia-vid-incident of 2010. uhhh, salvia is so last year, Miles…) and Natalie Portman. It also features Kat Denning in a refreshingly comedic role.

It’s a film that just works. Despite the fact that you might question how the HECK an asian male ended up being a Norse God (or not God? really I didn’t get that part so much? Are they gods? Are they super humans? I just don’t know.)

Skip the 3D though. Especially in the city. It cost me 17 buckaroos, and while I don’t regret it, I would have happily enjoyed it at matinee price.

[Edits: A) TELL ME THAT POSTER IS NOT A DEMONIC VIKING. Idareyou. B) I guess he is a God. Silly Jen.]

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